
  עֹלָה | olah: ascent | whole burnt offering


Mountains have a great way of showing us how small we really are and how big God truly is. I’ve never been one for climbing mountains, hiking, or camping, but in February of 2018, I journeyed to the highest free-standing mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro. The idea arose after writing a devotional titled, “Ascend”. It spoke on the mountains and valleys of life we all go through and the relentless grace of God that carries us through every high and low. After completing it, I felt like God wanted me to take what I learned spiritually and apply it physically as a way to increase my faith. So, I chose Kilimanjaro, the mountain that’s name means, “hard to conquer”. I summited Kilimanjaro at approximately 8 a.m. on February 4th, 2018 after 5 long, grueling days hiking through wilderness and tundra. So much barrenness, so many rocks to stumble upon, yet so much beauty and wonder. God behind me, God before me, God beside me. Whatever valley or mountain you’re currently trailing through, my hope is that this blog encourages you to keep going. Keep offering your whole self up to God. Let him use you. Let him stretch you. Let him take you to places you never thought you’d get to. Because you’ll soon realize, with God at our side, we are always ascending.